.NET Framework is the core of development for Microsoft. Whether you are a Windows user or a Visual Studio developer, you will need .NET Framework on your computer. If you are using the latest Windows 10 Version 1803, you will have .NET Framework 4.7.2 installed by default.
Most probably, Windows 10 Version 1809 will come with .NET Framework 4.8. If you want to install it on any other version of Windows 10, we will share the direct download links to .NET Framework 4.8 installers in this article. But first it’s important to go through what’s new, although not relevant if you are just a user and not a developer, and system requirements and then we’ll list down the download links.
Table of Contents
New features and improvements
There are quite a few new improvements and enhancements in the new framework. Since it’s still under development, we can’t say for sure whether new features will be added to this version or not.
Some of the new features and improvements in .NET Framework 4.8 include the following:
- Windows Forms Accessibility enhancements
- SelectionTextBrush Property
- Updated ZLib
- Improved Performance
Issues not fixed yet
There are still issues and bugs in .NET Framework 4.8 which needs to be fixed.
Deadlocks and Race Conditions
Many of the core libraries in .NET still give race conditions and deadlock conditions. The crash occurs with concurrent calls to new dynamic methods and deadlock occurs when calling Dispose function on an EventSource in CLR.
High DPI
Multi-monitor setups caused DPI issues. Scaling and resolution fixation needs to be calculated which is still a challenge,
.NET Core vs .NET Framework 4.8
Basically, .NET Framework was designed for developing applications in and for Windows. Other third-party technologies like Mono and Xamarin port .NET Framework to Linux and mobile devices respectively.
Now Microsoft is building .NET Core framework which will have the capability of supporting all platforms including Windows, Linux, Android, iOS, etc. This will be more like Java portability.
Supported Operating Systems/Requirements
.NET Framework can’t install on all Windows Operating System but only a handful of Windows 10 versions are supported. Here is the list of Windows 10 and Windows Server versions supported by .NET Framework 4.8.
- Windows 10 April 2018 Update
- Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
- Windows 10 Creators Update
- Windows 10 Anniversary Update
- Windows Server Version 1709
- Windows Server 2016
Installing .NET Framework 4.8
This .NET Framework 4.8 Early Access build will replace any existing .NET Framework 4 and later installation on your machine.
Once you install the latest .NET Framework 4.8, All .NET Framework 4 and later applications on your machine will run on the new .NET Framework early access builds by default.
The framework installation is pretty straight-forward. After downloading the offline installer from below given links, run the executable and follow the instructions.
After extracting the files and agreeing with their terms and conditions, the following window will appear.
In the same way, the .NET Framework 4.8 web installer can be installed.

Download .NET Framework 4.8
Download .NET Framework 4.8 web installer
Download .NET Framework 4.8 offline installer
Download .NET Framework 4.8 developer pack + all other downloads
The developer pack consists of three components. If you want to install all three of them including the framework, you may prefer to download the developer pack instead of installing the components one by one.
- .NET 4.8 Targeting Pack
- .NET Framework 4.8
- .NET Framework 4.8 SDK
If you want the error messages to be translated to your own language, you can download and install .NET Framework 4.8 language packs for the language of your choice. 23 languages are supported. The most popular ones include the likes of German, French, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese and Russian.
Usman Khurshid
.NET Framework 4.8 final and stable has been released. We have updated the download link to reflect the latest changes. Most of the changes remain the same.
It’s Preview Release, not Final.
Usman Khurshid
Yes it’s preview at the moment. We’ll update the links and also announce here once final version is released.