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Windows Control Panel Applets

List of Windows Control Panel Applets (CPL Files)

Subhan Zafar
Electrical Engineer | Technology Geek
December 16, 2023
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Windows has been shipped with a Control Panel, which many of you know. This allows you to control and manage different elements of the operating system, such as network configuration, system hardware, installing and uninstalling software, and much more. The Control Panel has been integrated into Windows since the very beginning, when it was launched in 1985, and has been included in all Windows versions.

However, drastic changes have been made to it to support more manageability and its interface. In Windows 8, Microsoft began shifting some controls from the Control Panel to the new “PC Settings app” which had a richer vibe with a user-friendly interface. The changes continue to Windows 10 and Windows 11, as Microsoft plans to ditch the Control Panel and shift all controls to the Settings app.

That said, the Control Panel still plays a significant role in the Windows operating system as many configurations are still handled through it. In this post, we are going to discuss what the Control Panel consists of and how you can quickly access the individual applets through the command line.

What are Control Panel Applets

Applets, or small applications, are pieces of tiny software within a bigger software that form up to create the parent software. An application, such as the Control Panel, can consist of multiple applets, each capable of handling different aspects of the operating system.

Applets in Control Panel
Applets in Control Panel

What are CPL Files

CPL files are Control Panel Files are binary-coded files that are responsible for running the different applets inside the Control Panel. These can be found at the following path inside your OS:

CPL files system32
.CPL files location

Note: Since these are system files, we suggest you steer clear of them and do not make any modifications, as deleting or renaming them will remove the respective applet from the Control Panel.

The locations of these CPL files are stored at the following locations within the Windows Registry:

Computer\HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Control Panel\Cpls

Whereas the locations of the Class ID (CLSID) variables for the Control Panel applets that do not have a dedicated CPL file are saved at the following location within the Windows Registry:

Note: Control Panel applets with no CPL files have been discussed further down the article where you will also find the canonical names for them.


You can open these applets quickly through the Windows Command Line Interface (CLI) simply through the file names discussed further down this post. There are 18 CPL files by default (Windows 11). However, older Windows versions may likely have more, since they do not include the Settings app, and most Controls are still present in the Control Panel.

Furthermore, third-party applications can also add their own .CPL files as applets, so they can be managed through the Control Panel. An example of this can be seen in the image above, where “AxSWindCx64.cpl” is an applet by “Alcohol iSCSI Sharing Center”.

How to Open Control Panel Applets (CPL Files) in Windows

Control Panel files can be opened using Windows CLI. This is a quick and handy method we often use ourselves to quickly access certain components of the Control Panel. Using the Command Prompt, Windows PowerShell, or even the Run dialog box (Windows Key + R Shortcut keys), you can enter the name of the CPL file that you want to run to open them.

Furthermore, you can also type in the name of the CPL file in the Start menu to run it, or simply navigate to the System32 folder using File Explorer and double-click on the CPL file you want to run.

Note: The names and the details of the different CPL files have been discussed in the next section which you can use to open the applets directly.

cmd 3
Open CPL file using Command Prompt
pwsh 2
Open CPL file using PowerShell
Open CPL File using Run box
start menu
Open CPL file using Start Menu search

It doesn’t end here. There are certain applets in Windows that do not have a dedicated CPL file. Instead, they are saved in a folder or a DLL file. They can be accessed using their canonical names. Using these, you can open a page inside a Control Panel file directly without having to navigate through it. Here is an example:

control /name Microsoft.RemoteAppAndDesktopConnections

Using the command above, you can access the RemoteApp and Desktop Connections page inside the Control Panel directly through the Command Prompt, PowerShell, and the Run box. However, this will not work through the Start Menu as there are no respective files to run.

This can also be combined with the “/page” parameter that will allow you to open a specific step inside the Control Panel. Here is an example:

control /name Microsoft.PowerOptions /page pagePlanSettings

Entering this command will directly open the “Edit plan settings” inside Power Options Control Panel. We have also provided a list of the canonical names you can use in Windows further down this post.

Now that you know how to open these Control Panel applets, let’s move on to the list of commands you can use in Windows to open the respective applet.

Complete List of Control Panel Applets

Control Panel Applets with CPL Files

Below we have listed the details of the different Control Panel applets and their names in Windows:

Note: Some of these applets may have been replaced with their respective page in the Settings app for Windows 11 and 10. However, we have still added them to the list as they are still valid for older versions of Windows.

Applet NameFile NameDetails
Add or Remove Programsappwiz.cplThis opens the Uninstall a Program applet. Used to uninstall installed programs, or add or remove features from Windows.
Date and Timetimedate.cplOpens the Date and Time applet. Allows you to set a date and time, change the time zone, add additional clocks, and sync with internet time.
Device Managerhdwwiz.cplThe Device Manager lists all installed hardware. Used to install and remove devices, manage drivers, and more.
Displaydesk.cplDisplay provides you with options to configure display-related settings, such as the color profile, scaling, resolution, etc.
Firewallfirewall.cplOpens the Windows Firewall. Turn it on or off, and open the advanced settings to block or allow connections.
Infraredirprops.cplLets you manage infrared devices if supported on the device.
Internet Optionsinetcpl.cplOpens the classic Internet Options window. Manage internet settings that Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, and other browsers may use.
Game Controllersjoy.cplManage game controllers connected to the computer.
Mousemain.cplThe mouse controls enable you to change mouse icons, button behavior, wheel scrolling, mouse sensitivity, and more.
Network Connectionsncpa.cplLists all known network connections and their status. Can be used to manage the different network cards on your device.
Powerpowercfg.cplOpens the Power Options. Set a power plan, and customize it.
Regionintl.cplThe Region control panel applets lets you change date and time formats, your location, and the locale.
Soundmmsys.cplThe Sound properties list all playback and recording devices, options to configure them, manage sound levels, and other communication devices.
System Propertiessysdm.cplSystem Properties lets you manage remote connections, computer’s name and domain, and links to other critical Control Panel files.
Tablet PCtabletpc.cplAllows you to manage certain settings while running in tablet PC mode.
Location Informationtelephon.cplSet your country, area code, carrier code, and dial numbers for telephony and modem services.
Security and Maintenancewscui.cplManage Security and Maintenance related features such as User Account Controls, firewall, Windows Security components, and much more.
Bluetooth Authentication Agentbthprops.cplThis file is responsible for authenticating Bluetooth connections with the device.
Windows 8: Opens Devices Settings app
Windows 7: Opens the Bluetooth Devices list under Devices and Printers.
Windows Vista: Opens the Control Panel applet called Bluetooth Devices.
Default Control Panel applets in Windows (11)

If you want to open the parent Control Panel, simply type in control in the Run box, Command Prompt, or Windows PowerShell.

Control Panel Applets without CPL Files

We have listed the details for the CPL files commonly found on a Windows PC. However, you can also use the canonical names of certain Control Panel applets, which will take you directly to a certain Control Panel page, for which no CPL files are available. Here are the details:

Note: Some of these applets may have been deprecated for Windows 11 and 10. However, we have still added them as they may still be valid for older Windows versions.

Applet NameCanonical Name
Action CenterControl /Name Microsoft.ActionCenter
Administrative ToolsControl /Name Microsoft.AdministrativeTools
AutoPlayControl /Name Microsoft.AutoPlay
Biometric DevicesControl /Name Microsoft.BiometricDevices
BitLocker Drive EncryptionControl /Name Microsoft.BitLockerDriveEncryption
Color ManagementControl /Name Microsoft.ColorManagement
Credential ManagerControl /Name Microsoft.CredentialManager
Date and TimeControl /Name Microsoft.DateAndTime
Default ProgramsControl /Name Microsoft.DefaultPrograms
Device ManagerControl /Name Microsoft.DeviceManager
Devices and PrintersControl /Name Microsoft.DevicesAndPrinters
DisplayControl /Name Microsoft.Display
Ease of Access CenterControl /Name Microsoft.EaseOfAccessCenter
Family SafetyControl /Name Microsoft.ParentalControls
File HistoryControl /Name Microsoft.FileHistory
Folder OptionsControl /Name Microsoft.FolderOptions
FontsControl /Name Microsoft.Fonts
HomeGroupControl /Name Microsoft.HomeGroup
Indexing OptionsControl /Name Microsoft.IndexingOptions
InfraredControl /Name Microsoft.Infrared
Internet OptionsControl /Name Microsoft.InternetOptions
iSCSI InitiatorControl /Name Microsoft.iSCSIInitiator
iSNS ServerControl /Name Microsoft.iSNSServer
KeyboardControl /Name Microsoft.Keyboard
LanguageControl /Name Microsoft.Language
Location SettingsControl /Name Microsoft.LocationSettings
MouseControl /Name Microsoft.Mouse
MPIOConfigurationControl /Name Microsoft.MPIOConfiguration
Network and Sharing CenterControl /Name Microsoft.NetworkAndSharingCenter
Notification Area IconsControl /Name Microsoft.NotificationAreaIcons
Pen and TouchControl /Name Microsoft.PenAndTouch
PersonalizationControl /Name Microsoft.Personalization
Phone and ModemControl /Name Microsoft.PhoneAndModem
Power OptionsControl /Name Microsoft.PowerOptions
Programs and FeaturesControl /Name Microsoft.ProgramsAndFeatures
RecoveryControl /Name Microsoft.Recovery
RegionControl /Name Microsoft.RegionAndLanguage
RemoteApp and Desktop ConnectionsControl /Name Microsoft.RemoteAppAndDesktopConnections
SoundControl /Name Microsoft.Sound
Speech RecognitionControl /Name Microsoft.SpeechRecognition
Storage SpacesControl /Name Microsoft.StorageSpaces
Sync CenterControl /Name Microsoft.SyncCenter
SystemControl /Name Microsoft.System
Tablet PC SettingsControl /Name Microsoft.TabletPCSettings
Taskbar and NavigationControl /Name Microsoft.Taskbar
TroubleshootingControl /Name Microsoft.Troubleshooting
TSAppInstallControl /Name Microsoft.TSAppInstall
User AccountsControl /Name Microsoft.UserAccounts
Windows Anytime UpgradeControl /Name Microsoft.WindowsAnytimeUpgrade
Windows DefenderControl /Name Microsoft.WindowsDefender
Windows FirewallControl /Name Microsoft.WindowsFirewall
Windows Mobility CenterControl /Name Microsoft.MobilityCenter
Windows To GoControl /Name Microsoft.PortableWorkspaceCreator
Windows UpdateControl /Name Microsoft.WindowsUpdate
Work FoldersControl /Name Microsoft.WorkFolders
Default Control Panel applets in Windows with canonical names

You can now run these canonical names to open the respective Control Panel applets or concatenate the “/page” parameter to open a page within the applet directly.

Control Panel Applets with Standalone Executable Files

Some Control Panel applets, which do not have a CPL file, have an executable (.exe) file instead. These can be launched directly using Windows CLI. Below is a list of the applets and their associated cmdlets, which will open without having to use any prefixes:

Applet NameFile Name
Add a Device wizardDevicePairingWizard
Add Hardware wizardhdwwiz
Windows To Gopwcreator
Work FoldersWorkFolders
Performance Options (Visual Effects)SystemPropertiesPerformance
Performance Options (Data Execution Prevention)SystemPropertiesDataExecutionPrevention
Presentation SettingsPresentationSettings
System Properties (Computer Name)SystemPropertiesComputerName
System Properties (Hardware)SystemPropertiesHardware
System Properties (Advanced)SystemPropertiesAdvanced
System Properties (System Protection)SystemPropertiesProtection
System Properties (Remote)SystemPropertiesRemote
Windows FeaturesOptionalFeatures
rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL appwiz.cpl,,2
Control Panel applets with standalone .exe files

Control Panel Applets with RunDLL32 Accessibility

As mentioned, some Control Panel applets are saved in DLL files. Here is a list of the applets alongside their respective cmdlets to run them:

Applet NameRunDLL Cmdlet
Add a Printer Wizardrundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL AddPrinter
Additional Clocksrundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL timedate.cpl,,1
Date and Time (Additional Clocks)rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL timedate.cpl,,1
Desktop Icon Settingsrundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,,0
File Explorer Options (View tab)rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Options_RunDLL 7
File Explorer Options (Search tab)rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Options_RunDLL 2
Internet Properties (Security tab)rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL inetcpl.cpl,,1
Internet Properties (Privacy tab)rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL inetcpl.cpl,,2
Internet Properties (Content tab)rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL inetcpl.cpl,,3
Internet Properties (Connections tab)rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL inetcpl.cpl,,4
Internet Properties (Programs tab)rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL inetcpl.cpl,,5
Internet Properties (Advanced tab)rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL inetcpl.cpl,,6
Mouse Properties (Pointers tab 1)rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL main.cpl,,1
Mouse Properties (Pointer Options tab 2)rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL main.cpl,,2
Mouse Properties (Wheel tab 3)rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL main.cpl,,3
Mouse Properties (Hardware tab 4)rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL main.cpl,,4
Screen Saver Settingsrundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,,1
Set Program Access and Computer Defaultsrundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL appwiz.cpl,,3
Sound (Recording tab)rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL mmsys.cpl,,1
Sound (Sounds tab)rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL mmsys.cpl,,2
Sound (Communications tab)rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL mmsys.cpl,,3
Control Panel applets saved in DLLs

Third-Party Control Panel Applets

As we already mentioned, some third-party applications come with their own Control Panel applets and CPL files. We cannot list them all, but here are a few common ones:

ApplicationFile NameDetails
AC3 Filterac3filter.cplConfigures speaker configuration and other parameters of the AC3 decoder filter.
Adobe GammaAdobe Gamma.cplFor altering the screen display with Adobe Systems Imaging Software such as Photoshop.
Adobe Version Cue CS2VersionCueCS2.cplTo configure Adobe Version Cue.
Application pathsapppaths.cplSets application paths, start-up commands, and system services.
ATI DVD PlayerQISWCINE.CPLChanges settings for your DVD decoding.
AudioHQAudHQ.cplCreative Labs Soundblaster Audio HQ.
Autodesk Plotter Managerplotman.cplAdds, removes, and changes plotters properties for AutoCAD products.
AvantGo Connectagcpl.cplSynchronizes mobile versions (called “channels”) of websites to a smartphone or PDA.
Avira AntiVir PersonalEditionavconfig.cplConfigures Avira Antivirus program.
BACKPACK Finderbpcpl.cplTo configure the Micro Solutions BackPack CD driver.
BDE Administratorbdeadmin.cplTo configure the Borland Database Engine.
Broadcom Advanced Control SuiteBACSCPL.cplEnables Broadcom network cards testing and diagnostics.
CD/DVD Drive Acoustic SilencerTOSCDSPD.cplConfigures the rotation speed of CD/DVD drives for Toshiba devices.
ClearCasecc.cplTo configure IBM Rational ClearCase.
Color Settings3dcc.cplChanges the look and feel of Windows.
Compaq Diagnosticscpqdiag.cplTo view information on a computer’s hardware and software configuration.
Control Panelcontrolp.cplControl Panel Customization Toy.
Control Version Systemcvsnt.cplControl Panel Customization Toy.
Creative Element Power ToolsTo configure Creative Element Power Tools.
Corel Versionsverscpl.cplConfigures Corel versions.
DANSdanetsvc.cplConfigures the Shaffer Solutions DiskAccess Network Services, and NFS client for Windows.
Diagnostics for Windowscpqdiag.cplHP Diagnostics for Windows.
Digidesign ElevenRackDigidesignElevenRackControlPanelApplet.cplLaunch Eleven Rack Control Panel
DiskAccessdacfg.cplConfigures how the Shaffer Solutions DiskAccess makes connections to remote NFS servers.
DS18x AppletDS18xCPL.cplMR Soft DS18x Temperature Logging Service.
Flash PlayerFlashPlayerCPLApp.cplFor changing settings for the Flash Player.
Folder sizeFolderSize.cplFolder Size for Windows shows the size of folders in Windows Explorer.
FirebirdSQL Service Managerfmmgr.cplConfigures Firebird (database server) service options.
HP Jetadminjetadmin.cplHP Jetadmin configures and monitors HP printers.
HP LockHplock.cplA Windows 95 utility to lock the PC keyboard, mouse, and the on/off switch in one click on legacy HP Vectra.
IconPackageripcpl.cplTo customize Windows icons and cursors.
ImDisk Virtual Disk Driverimdisk.cplAdministration of ImDisk Virtual Disk Driver.
InstallShield Update Managerisuspm.cplThe InstallShield Update Manager allows users to receive program updates and messages from software makers who use the service.
Intel Extreme Graphicsigfxcpl.cplTo change advanced settings on systems using Intel GPUs.
Intel Product Improvement ProgramexecutableInstalled with Intel Driver Update Utility version 2.4 (on Vista and up).
IP Office Voicemail Proims.cplTo configure Avaya IP Office Voicemail Pro.
Javajpicpl32.cplFor changing settings with Java Runtime Console.
JInitiator [VersionNumber]plugincpl1[VersionNumber].cplTo configure Oracle’s JInitiator.
MailMLCFG32.cplLaunches the Microsoft Outlook Profile Manager.
MSConfigMSConfig.cplLaunches the Microsoft System Configuration Utility.
Multi-fingerETDUI.cplCustomize the Smart-Pad Multi-finger Setting.
MultiSitems.cplTo configure IBM Rational ClearCase Multisite.
Nero BurnRightsNeroBurnRights.cplFor specifying who is allowed to use the CD burner with Nero.
nVIDIA Control panelnvidia.cplTo change advanced settings on systems using Nvidia GPUs.
Panda Media BoosterPMB.cplPanda Media Booster cache and network settings.
Parallel Port JoysticksPPjoy.cplConfigures Joysticks connected on the Parallel Port.
Pointer Devicestbctlpnl.cplTo configure the Touch-Base Universal Pointer Device Driver (UPDD).
QuickTimequicktime.cplFor specifying settings of the Apple QuickTime Player.
RealPlayerprefscpl.cplTo configure the RealPlayer preferences, older versions.
Realtek AC97 Audio Control Panelalsndmgr.cplTo configure the Realtek audio controller.
Realtek HD-Audio ManagerRTSnMg64.cplTo launch the Realtek HD-Audio Manager.
RESTrick Control Panelrest2.cplWindows Tuning and system restrictions setup.
Safarpsafarp.cplSafarp is a small and fast alternative to the Add or Remove Programs applet.
ScrewDrivers Clientsdclient.cplRemote desktop print management solution.
Send To Toyssendtotoys.cplTo configure the “Send To” option in the Context Menu in Windows.
Services and Devicespserv.cplManage Windows services and devices, and uninstall applications.
Softex OmniPassscurecpl.cplProvides password management capabilities to Windows.
SNTP Servicesntpserv.cplTo manage the SNTP client service.
Soundscapescurecpl.cplAdds, removes, or changes settings of Soundscape devices.
Startupstartup.cplControl programs that run at system start-ups.
Startup DiskStartup Disk.cplBoot Camp drivers, when Windows runs on a Mac OS virtual machine.
Symantec LiveUpdates32lucp2.cplConfigures the Symantec LiveUpdate update service.
System Change Logscl.cplMonitors disks for changes and records a detailed log.
System InformationSancpl.cplLaunches SiSoftware Sandra utility.
System Info for Windowssiw.cplLaunches the SIW application.
Trust-No-Exetrustnoexe.cplConfigures the Beyond Logic Trust-No-Exe executable filter.
VMware ToolsVMControlPanel.cplTo configure VMware Tools.
WIBU-KEYwibuke32.cplTo configure the WIBU-KEY Software Protection.
Winlogoswnlgo.cplTo change the Windows start-up and shutdown screens in Windows 98 or ME.
X-Setup ProxqdcXSPApplet.cplLaunches X-Setup Pro, a Windows tweaker application.
Third-party Control Panel applets and cmdlets

You can use the above-mentioned file names the same as other CPL files to open them using Windows CLI. However, this will only work if the respective program is installed and/or the CPL file is available on your PC in the correct directory.

How to List All CPL Files

Although we have already listed the CPL files found in Windows, you can obtain a complete list of the available .CPL files by running the following command in Windows PowerShell in case you forget a name:

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Windows\system32\* -Include *.cpl | Sort-Object -Property Extension | Select-Object -Property Name | Format-Wide -Column 1
pwsh list
Complete list of CPL files in System32 directory

Furthermore, the directory containing the CPL files (System32) also contains all of the Microsoft Saved Console (MSC) files that are used for managing the things which the Control Panel cannot, such as Group Policies, Windows Services, disk management, etc.

Difference Between CPL and MSC Files

Both CPL and MSC files can be found in the same directory in Windows, i.e. C:\Windows\System32. However, both of these file types have different functions.

Control Panel Files are vastly used for OS configurations, such as network card configurations, power management, hardware, attached peripherals, etcetera – things are mostly related to the host device. Whereas the MSC files are mostly used for the rules and policies your device adheres to, and how it behaves.

Microsoft Management Consoles (MMCs) are considered more advanced than the Control Panel as they offer more control and manage the significantly complex aspects of the operating system.

Now that you completely understand what CPL files are and what they do, when do you need them?

When to Open Control Panel Applets using Commands

There may be scenarios where you are unable to access the Control Panel using the Graphical User Interface (GUI). Your mouse may have stopped working and cannot navigate through the control panel when you open the control panel applet with the command line that comes in handy.

Some users may even find it more convenient to access a Control Panel applet by entering the CPL file’s name in the Run box instead of navigating and searching for the Control Panel settings manually.

Final Thoughts

Depending on which version of Windows you are using, you may see more or fewer default CPL files and Control Panel applets than which we have mentioned above in this post. The number of these also depends on the apps and programs on your computer, as third-party applications can also bring in their own CPL files.

With that said, we hope that this article helped you understand the Control Panel files and what each of them is responsible for.

If you believe that we have missed any, do let us know in the comments section so that we may provide better information for our audience.


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Subhan Zafar
Electrical Engineer | Technology Geek
678 Articles
Subhan Zafar is an established IT professional with interests in Windows and Server infrastructure testing and research, and is currently working with Itechtics as a research consultant. He has studied Electrical Engineering and is also certified by Huawei (HCNA & HCNP Routing and Switching).
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